Ciencia, Cultura y Sociedad 2023-01-23T00:00:00+00:00 Norma Hernández Escobar, MSc. Open Journal Systems <span id="result_box" lang="es"><span>Ciencia</span><span>,</span> <span>Cultura</span> <span>y Sociedad,</span> <span>es una publicación de</span> <span>la Universidad</span> <span>Evangélica de</span> <span>El Salvador</span> <span>(</span><span>UEES</span><span>)</span></span>. The prioritization of improving teacher performance as quality criteria in university education 2023-01-16T20:12:47+00:00 Marlon Elías Lobos Rivera Marvin Josué Flamenco Cortez <p>In the university educational context, quality in education is a complex issue (Bodero, 2014) both in its definition and in the way it is evaluated; Therefore, it is a process that every university institution takes into account when explaining its academic and formative work in society. Educational quality is divided into multiple factors, such as adequate infrastructure, technological component, efficient administrative staff, among others. However, the most relevant factor is the quality of its teachers, since they are the ones who have the educational function of introducing the student to their respective science or discipline.<br>scientific study and training, where they prepare them to function in the professional and human field (Sanz et al., 2014). However, it is not enough for the teacher to teach his class, assign homework and apply an exam. Its function transcends beyond the classroom, becoming the most important indicator in terms of educational quality. It is for this reason that, although educational quality has different components, strengthening the quality of performance of its teachers should be prioritized.</p> 2023-01-23T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Protocol design for digitalization of heritage Salvadoran culture, implementing virtual reality, photogrammetry and additive manufacturing processes 2023-01-16T20:25:33+00:00 Yancy Steffany Ventura Aguilar <p>The objective of this research is to develop a protocol for the digitization of cultural heritage objects, using augmented reality, photogrammetry and 3D printing techniques, which allows standardization in the workflow. The<br>The methodology used for the development of this project was the search for bibliographic information, showing us the path for the development of the project, allowing us to know the different techniques used for the digitalization of images. During the<br>In search of information, a specialist with experience in the management of pieces classified as cultural heritage was interviewed, recommending the management of criteria for the selection of the pieces to be digitized, the importance of the protection of archaeological pieces, in addition, the high costs that generated by the use of new technologies in the development of these types of projects. Regarding the results obtained, a specialized protocol was created that guides the digitization of cultural heritage, allowing to obtain scale replicas of each piece, also being able to visualize them in a virtual environment, which allowed the interaction of the pieces to the general public. , with a total of 184 views during the period of execution of the project, all this with the purpose that the original pieces are safeguarded. In conclusion, this project facilitated the creation of the protocol for the digitalization of images of Salvadoran cultural heritage, promoting the use of new technologies in this field of study and allowing standardization for free exposure to all people without risk of damage.</p> 2023-01-23T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 transdisciplinary teaching in higher education lack of applications in psychology 2023-01-16T20:38:12+00:00 Yunuén Hernández Ibáñez Fernanda Hernández Acosta Perla Garcia Flores Alan Alonso Nava <p>Currently, there is great interest in the transdisciplinarity approach for the study of complex problems, however, in the university training of Psychology, which is dedicated to solving these complex problems, disciplinary, interdisciplinary and subdisciplinary approaches predominate. The objective of this work was to investigate the main curricular changes that were made and what are the issues that are addressed in the teaching of transdiscipline in higher education, focusing on the field of Psychology. Therefore, a systematic review was carried out following the PRISMA method and sixty records were found, of which twenty-one were eliminated; therefore, the articles analyzed were thirty-nine. The main themes addressed from transdiscipline were development and sustainable education. The analysis of the review showed that proposals for transdisciplinary education in the field of Psychology have not yet been presented.</p> 2023-01-23T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Contextual pastoral care the church as a house of transformation 2023-01-16T21:19:11+00:00 Juan Carlos Cárcamo <p>The present work offers the results of a documentary investigation carried out to analyze the idea of ​​a "contextual pastoral care", with the purpose of making a critical review of the pertinent literature that can propose principles and elements that serve as a guide to those who exercise the pastoral ministry. , to increase the impact and benefit on the people they serve, thus achieving a human transformation appropriate to the needs of each space and moment in which they intervene. The article reviews the historical framework in which the notion of pastoral work develops, starting from its origin in the Europeanized missionary model and compares the ideas of various authors, confronting them with another series of categories typical of the field of pastoral ministry carried out by the different congregations. Evangelical in nature and historically rooted in Protestantism, but it is situated in a Latin American perspective, although it extrapolates its analysis to the contexts considered in the global South. The research proposes as a result a framework of analysis from which it is proposed to start to change the<br>logic of pastoral intervention, so that it is more in dialogue with the context in which it takes place. That contextual Pastoral model framework is called: "The House of Transformation."</p> 2023-01-23T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 sociodrama applied to the experiential learning of values of the uees taught to teachers of all faculties 2023-01-17T22:19:17+00:00 Katiuska E. Alvayero César Meléndez <p>The Evangelical University, in its search to establish itself as a reference in the Salvadoran society of higher education based on Christian values, has initiated a series of actions to promote the axiological proposal of its educational model.<br>(UEES Educational Model, 2015). These actions have been addressed to administrative and teaching staff. In this context, the "Course of values ​​for teachers Hora Clase" is designed, housed in the virtual Campus of the UEES, for the theme experiential learning, the flipped classroom and in particular the sociodrama were chosen. Among the purposes of this values ​​course we have the promotion and development of values ​​in the UEES University Community, in order to help individuals to collaborate in the creation of a pleasant and productive work environment. Strengthen ethical reasoning and moral decisions, in the daily activities of the members of the university community, better manage their work or professional lives. And in general to be happier and more satisfied people and professionals living the five UEES institutional values: Integrity, commitment, excellence, solidarity and service. This document contains the description of the pedagogical experience in the area of ​​educational trends, application of experiential learning in virtual mode and, in particular, Sociodrama for learning and internalization of the values ​​of the UEES.</p> 2023-01-23T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 comparative study of the crime investigation process of trafficking in women for the purpose of sexual exploitation in the salvador and spain 2023-01-17T22:43:27+00:00 Enrique Monroy Bernal <p>This article analyzes from the perspective of Human Rights and the perspective of gender, the process of investigation of the crime of trafficking in women developed in El Salvador and Spain. The methodology was applied from a descriptive and comparative analysis with a qualitative approach, analyzing from a social legal perspective, the actions and results obtained in the investigation of the crime of trafficking in women from the different legal tools. The contribution of this investigation is relevant, insofar as it allows us to know the actions carried out by El Salvador and Spain to collect evidence and develop a prosecution of the crime. Among the findings found, it was determined that El Salvador has shown progress in the investigation of the crime of trafficking, having legal tools similar to those established in Spain. However, it is necessary to strengthen the registration of data on cases of trafficking and assess a reform to the Special Law against Trafficking in Persons in El Salvador to incorporate the patrimonial investigation of the traffickers and the insurance of goods resulting from trafficking.</p> 2023-01-23T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 development of a prototype of an advocacy system of computer services for the Zacamil National Hospital 2023-01-17T22:56:13+00:00 Saúl Antonio Cornejo Hernández Yancy Steffany Ventura Aguilar <p>The objective of this research is to develop a prototype of a system for computer service incidents for the National Hospital "Dr. Juan José Fernández” Zacamil, known as Hospital Zacamil, which will allow the Information Technology unit<br>as its users have a tool to manage problems with their computer equipment. The Methodology that was used for the development of this project was to investigate the different technologies, which would allow the development of the objectives<br>raised, and in this way meet the needs found, then strategies were established on how the innovation project would be developed through a development design, as well as the use of programming languages, managing to satisfy needs identified through the initial diagnosis that allowed data collection. Among the main results obtained were the development of a functional prototype that would help the management of computer incidents, allowing the organization of incidents by priority and the administration of suppliers. During the satisfaction evaluation, there were five criteria that measured the design, portability and operation of the software, it was possible to exceed the demands of the users, however, the software was created under a scalable design, which can be improved with each update. In conclusion, this project allowed establishing an order of priorities in the process of providing computer technical support in the different units, establishing effective communication with users for management monitoring.<br>of incidents, to solve the problems of the computer equipment that present</p> 2023-01-23T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Rapid ecological assessment of the El Balsamar natural area in the municipalities of cuisnahuat and san julián, sonsonate 2023-01-17T23:07:53+00:00 Israel Ernesto Mendoza Abarca José Rodrigo Linares Flores <p>Currently, the El Balsamar Natural Area (in the declaration process) does not have a management plan or a recent diagnosis that allows determining the current state of the area's biological communities. For this reason, through a Rapid Ecological Assessment (REA), the current state of amphibian and reptile species was analyzed; Birds; Mammals and plant strata. The results provided biological information of great importance, updated and that can be used as a technical-scientific input that gives greater weight and biological support to the process of declaring a Protected Natural Area by the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (MARN). The registration and gathering of information in the field was done with methodologies specific to each taxon or biological group. A sampling effort was carried out that included three field trips, during the months of September and October of this year. Each trip included two nights and three days for a total of 9 days of field work. 19 species and 18 families of amphibians and reptiles were identified, two reptiles and one amphibian in the Threat category; 56 species of birds within 26 families, which represented 10.10% of the species registered in the country, two species of birds in the category of Threatened and one Endangered. In addition, 14 species of terrestrial mammals and 8 species of bats, belonging to 12 families; 25 species of trees with a timber volume of 1138.67 m3, 28 shrubs and 87 herbaceous species.</p> 2023-01-23T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022