Differences and similarities in therapeutic adherence in patients with diabetes mellitus and arterial hypertension in Latin America


  • Gabriela Michelle Calderón Barahona Universidad Evangélica de El Salvador
  • Kevin Menolty Candray Calderón Universidad Evangélica de El Salvador
  • Violeta Marcela García Landaverde Universidad Evangélica de El Salvador
  • Ruth Elizabeth Salinas Guerrero Universidad Evangélica de El Salvador




therapeutic adherence, diabetes mellitus, non-communicable diseases, arterial hypertension


Every day many people strive to control diseases such as high blood pressure (HTN) and diabetes mellitus (DM). However, they have great obstacles to reach this goal; for example, achieve adequate therapeutic adherence. There are many factors that influence this adherence in these two diseases. The objective of this trial was based on identifying differences and similarities in therapeutic adherence in patients with DM and HT in Latin American countries, for which a bibliographic review was carried out that considered factors that affect positively or negatively. It was found that the adherence percentages vary in each country; Despite this, the complications, influencing factors, and the techniques to be implemented may be the same for each Noncommunicable Disease (NCD) regardless of the country. Also, it was detected that the incident factors in a poor therapeutic adherence in each patient are the basis for the construction of specific methods to improve it, to control the disease and thus reduce morbidity and mortality. In conclusion, in DM and HT, there may be differences and similarities of factors that positively or negatively affect therapeutic adherence, but to improve these conditions, work with a medical team and a good doctor-patient relationship should be done to formulate strategies that can help the patient in the fight to control their disease


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Author Biographies

Gabriela Michelle Calderón Barahona, Universidad Evangélica de El Salvador

Doctor in medicine

Kevin Menolty Candray Calderón, Universidad Evangélica de El Salvador

Doctor in medicine

Violeta Marcela García Landaverde, Universidad Evangélica de El Salvador

Doctor in medicine

Ruth Elizabeth Salinas Guerrero, Universidad Evangélica de El Salvador

Doctor in medicine



How to Cite

Calderón Barahona, G. M., Candray Calderón, K. M., García Landaverde, V. M., & Salinas Guerrero, R. E. (2020). Differences and similarities in therapeutic adherence in patients with diabetes mellitus and arterial hypertension in Latin America. Revista Científica Crea Ciencia, 12(2), 9–20. https://doi.org/10.5377/creaciencia.v12i2.10165



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