Reality and Reflection 2023-12-19T00:00:00+00:00 Claudia Reneé Meyer Open Journal Systems <p>Realidad y Reflexión is published by the University of Francisco Gavidia.</p> Editorial 2023-12-16T15:08:48+00:00 UFG Editores <p>This issue presents nine contributions covering various scientific disciplines, reflecting the wealth of contemporary knowledge. We are convinced that knowledge must be accessible to all. Periodicals, through open access, are essential vehicles for the dissemination and popularization of knowledge. Accessibility makes it possible for these nine contributions in issue 58 to reach a global audience, thus fostering the exchange of ideas and collaboration among researchers from different parts of the world.</p> 2023-12-19T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Curriculum theory and reinvention of educational change in El Salvador 2023-12-16T15:16:34+00:00 Juan Carlos Escobar Baños <p>We start from the following question: Will there be a pedagogy for El Salvador beyond positivist premises, so that they can be referents for the reinvention of educational change? This is due to a narrative of pedagogy that has been invisible throughout the history of education, especially the legacy of the twentieth century. This paper seeks to analyze the constructs and approaches of the curriculum that have dynamized Salvadoran pedagogy and the main parameters for determining its scientific character. The analytical-synthetic method was used to address the main pedagogical categories of curricular theory (approaches and principles) and their contribution to educational change. In addition, the historical method for interpreting key data aboutSalvadoran education and the possibility of constructing a pedagogy of vocation and choice was clarified. The reconstruction of a local pedagogy is determined by the choice of a curriculum theory that reinvents educational change from an autonomous perspective, whose reference is linked to the knowledge of reality and the transformation of individual and social man, as a conscious participant and active constructor of new living conditions.</p> 2023-12-19T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Feminisms as social movement and a way of inhabiting the world 2023-12-16T15:28:09+00:00 Ivette Rocío Araujo Velásquez <p>This essay reflects about feminism or feminisms as a political theory and social movement: sometimes reflecting, sometimes on the street. And, also, as a way of inhabiting the world for many women who have fought for the recognition of the rights that they currently have and that inspire them to continue in the search for their identity, the claim of their role in society. and achieve real equality. In addition, the objective is to argue that feminisms have been successful because they have improved all the societies in which they have been established, seeking a more just and sustainable world where no one is left behind. There is a briefly review of conceptual approach to feminisms taking a position on the category; there is a reference of the unavoidable moments of the waves of feminisms and the current challenges that still exists.</p> 2023-12-19T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Salvadoran education and its contribution to democracy: an analysis of the educational system 2023-12-16T15:34:47+00:00 Mateo José Villaherrera Zambrano <p>Education is the main way to strengthen democracy in any country in the world, since it can play a key role in developing people's skills in order to promote the practice of democratic habits. Likewise, because from the school one can understand its importance, its purpose and the role that citizens can assume in this process in a way that allows progress towards a fuller democratic society. In this sense, the purpose of this essay is to know the impact of the educational system towards Salvadoran democracy through a documentary review and analysis of the normative and legal framework of the educational system and its curriculum at the basic and secondary level. The conclusions of this essay can serve as inputs so that the parties interested in the subject can reflect, dialogue and discuss how education can influence the state of Salvadoran democracy.</p> 2023-12-19T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Artificial intelligence dilemma: critical thinking and digital generations 2023-12-16T15:45:09+00:00 Liseth Guadalupe Oviedo Guevara <p>Artificial intelligence raises many concerns, regarding the perspective that is analyzed, since for many it is the perfect opportunity to make a technological revolution, improve the efficiency of processes and incorporate new virtual assistance to daily activities. On the other hand, many are misgivings about the scope of artificial intelligence, in terms of human activities, such as the elimination of jobs, development of procedures by artificial means, ethical problems, plagiarism, and especially where the world is headed with superintelligence. In the educational field, artificial intelligence has a great panorama, since students belong to a digital generation very different from other generations, and the way of learning has been revolutionized, therefore, the applications of artificial intelligence become very attractive for education and the development of science. Now, will artificial intelligence manage to obtain a thought? And that's where the dilemma between AI and the ability that human beings develop from their experiences and their level of cognitive evaluation and assessment arises.</p> 2023-12-19T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Contribution of Information and Telecommunication Technologies (ITC) to economic growth in El Salvador 2023-12-16T15:51:23+00:00 Carlos Gerardo Acevedo Flores <p>In this paper, a decomposition exercise of the value added of the Salvadoran economy is performed, applying the methodology developed by the LAKLEMS project, to estimate the contribution of the Information and Telecommunication Technologies (ITC) to investment and economic growth dynamics, within a framework of comparative analysis with other seven Latin American countries (Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Honduras, México, Peru and Dominican Republic) for the 1990-2018 period. The results of this exercise show that El Salvador reported the lowest growth rate of the value added among the countries in the sample during the period defined. In particular, the contribution of ITC capital to growth of the Salvadoran economy kept below the regional average since the middle of 1990. To take advantage of the opportunities brought by the so called «Fourth Industrial Revolution» (World Economic Forum) and «Fifth Industrial Revolution» (European Commission), El Salvador must decidedly make a bet for investment in ITC infrastructure and work to close the gap in human capital in terms of the abilities and skills required in the realm of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM).</p> 2023-12-19T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Human rights and the situation of labor rights in Mexico and Jalisco 2023-12-16T16:02:05+00:00 Laura Rochin Mozqueda <p>Work is a human and social activity that requires minimum conditions to safeguard the integrity of workers based on their intrinsic dignity. We know these conditions as Human Rights, which, when guaranteed in workplaces, will lead us to what is known as Decent Work. There are five main rights that employers must guarantee, regardless of the line of business or sector, starting with the eradication of child labor, forced labor, and discrimination, in addition to ensuring the safety and health of workers, guaranteeing their right to bargain collectively. The UN and the ILO highlight the importance of these rights with very clear statutes that cover all member countries, including Mexico. However, the daily situation tells us of a gap between what should be and the reality of the workers. Through a reflective analysis with figures, this contrast is shown in the workers of Mexico, and in particular, of Jalisco.</p> 2023-12-19T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Optimization of vehicular flow through the use of genetic algorithms in a stretch of San Salvador 2023-12-16T16:20:30+00:00 James Edward Humberstone Morales Franklin Iván Argueta Bermúdez <p>Unplanned urbanization and population growth have increased mobility problems in the city of San Salvador, El Salvador. After COVID-19, the number of vehicles in the metropolitan area increased up to 150 % and with it the problems related to road congestion. In the search for innovative solutions to address the challenges posed by these problems, genetic algorithms emerge as a revolutionary tool to explore new solutions. In this research we carried out an application of genetic algorithms together with a simulation of a traffic pattern for a segment of the road network to find the optimal sequence of states in each traffic light in the study network with the objective of optimizing the vehicular flow and decreasing the waiting time to transit through the roads.</p> 2023-12-19T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Exotic and invasive species of thoracalcareous barnacles in El Salvador 2023-12-16T16:27:33+00:00 Gilma Alvarado-Guerra Johanna Vanessa Segovia Prado <p>Due to their adaptive capacities, thoracalcerid cirripedes have managed to establish themselves in different types of substrates and are observed in almost all parts of the world, which is why the taxon is recognized as cosmopolitan. However, not all species of thoracalcerid cirripedes found on the coast of El Salvador are native to the Eastern Tropical Pacific, which confirms the resistance of the group to dispersal processes, including those caused by anthropogenic activities such as maritime transport and the suspension of organic and inorganic materials, including logs, plastics, and other marine debris in the ocean. The main objective of this research was to identify exotic species of thoracalcerid cirripedes with invasive potential found in the Salvadoran coast. For this purpose, sampling was carried out between 2017 and 2021, in Acajutla (Sonsonate) and Punta Amapala (La Unión). The collection was carried out, and then the individuals were identified in the laboratory to know the species richness, obtaining a total of six invasive species, five for the family Balanidae Leach, 1817, and one for the family Tetraclitidae Gruvel, 1903.</p> 2023-12-19T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Education in post-pandemic times: youth, violence, subjectivity, academic life, labor impact and health 2023-12-16T16:45:47+00:00 María Teresa Prieto Quezada José Claudio Carrillo Navarro <p>The COVID-19 pandemic was a complex period that affected society in various ways. During the period of confinement, adjustments were made in people's daily lives, which had repercussions in areas such as academics, work and health, among others. These areas, in turn, disrupted school life. Through the research, the perspective of the students of a university center is recovered by means of narrative. In it, allusions are made to the effects that the pandemic had on their environments, addressing issues such as emotional violence, economic, family and physical health problems, as well as their emotional relationships, among other aspects. It also shows how they have reconstructed their human experiences.</p> 2023-12-19T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023