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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published or considered by any other journal (or an explanation has been provided in the Comments to the editor).
  • The texts must be sent in digital format in one of the following extensions: .doc, .docx, .odt and in letter size to the following email address:
  • Wherever possible, URLs are provided for references.
  • The texts must be written in Arial font No. 12, with a spacing between lines and paragraphs of 1.5. The titles will be written in Arial font No. 14 and in bold; and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed at the appropriate places in the text, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which appear in About the journal.
  • The author submits to the arbitration process that the journal has.

Author Guidelines

How to collaborate?

  • Review the guidelines that are in this section and also in the website or download it on PDF
  • Send us your article to the email:
  • If you want to accompany your article with photos, they must be at a high resolution of at least 12 megapixels
  • Or if you prefer, contact the editor directly Ing. Cecilia Rivera at 22106600 ext 375 or

Editorial guidelines for submitting articles

  • The texts presented must be unpublished and developed by professionals, entrepreneurs, graduate students and / or academics interested in research and the generation of knowledge. They can be elaborated individually or in co-authorship by researchers and teachers.
  • All the texts presented must go according to the editorial line of the journal.
  • The texts presented should not be in the process of approval in other publications, nor should they be published previously. The Universidad Centroamericana "José Simeón Cañas" will obtain publication rights once they are published in the journal.
  • The texts must be presented in Spanish.
  • The title, abstract (abstract), keywords and bibliography will be presented in Spanish.
  • The texts must be written in Arial font N ° 12, with a line spacing and paragraphs of 1.5. The titles will be written in Arial font number 14 and in bold.
  • The length of the texts is presented below:

  • Within the texts must include graphs, tables or images that are necessary, must be numbered correlatively with title and source where the information was obtained.
  • All graphics, images or tables must be presented in JPG format and in high resolution (minimum 12 megapixels).
  • Photographs, tables or graphics must be unpublished or property of the author.
  • In addition to the length of the text, a brief review of (l) the author (s) should be included, with a maximum of 5 lines per author and email address.
  • The style for making citations and bibliography will be APA standards. Recent edition. The footnotes included should only be explanatory or explanatory; that is, they must be directed to expand or illustrate what has been said in the body of the text, and not to use them to indicate bibliographic sources.

Method of Submission
The texts must be sent in digital format in any of the following extensions: .doc, .docx, .odt and in letter size to the following email address: 

Selection process and approval of articles

  1. The authors send the proposal of articles via email to the corresponding address.
  2. The received texts will be submitted to an evaluation process by the editorial board. All the texts sent will be received, without implying the obligatory nature of their publication or return of the material sent.
  3. The selection of the articles that will be proposed for analysis by the technical review committee will be at the discretion of the editorial board.
  4. The guidelines for the review of the articles will be double blind. The name of the writer will not know the person in charge of the technical review or vice versa.
  5. The issued opinion will be delivered in writing via email under the following criteria (1) Approved, (2) Approved conditioned and (3) Outside the editorial guidelines.
  6. The writer will receive an email with the corresponding opinion. If a notice of "approved but with observations" is received, these must be corrected in a time no longer than 8 working days after receiving the notification, after this time, if the corrections are not received, the article will be rejected, and may be proposed. Second time in the next call up to a maximum of 3 calls.
  7. If a statement of "Outside editorial guidelines" is received, the journal reserves the right to place the justification of said opinion.
  8. 8. When the article is approved for publication, the writer will be notified by e-mail indicating the date and volume of publication.


The aim of the editorial is to give an introduction to the reader on the central theme, through a critical analysis of reality and using a simple and motivating language that invites the reader to continue exploring the magazine


This section contemplates related articles focused on new trends in the business area.


In this section, articles will be presented containing research results from theses or research projects that the editorial board deems convenient to publish

Business Life

In this section we will discuss real cases of national companies that are of interest and that can be taken as case studies or good practices. They can be contributed by professors or by people from the business world.


In this section, free-topic articles or interviews with personalities from the business world will be presented in order to obtain opinions on the work of national entrepreneurs or entrepreneurs in the business world.


Entrevisitas a personas destacadas

Occupational health

This section will address issues related to accidents at work, chronic illnesses due to work, company, labor code, dignity, health, illness, disability.


In this section, we intend to present seminars, talks, conferences, congresses or graduates that will be held by the departments that are related to the business world.

Privacy Statement

The data and email addresses entered in Realidad Empresarial, will be used exclusively for the purposes stated by this journal and will not be available for any other purpose or another person.

However, to complete the publication process, the authors must provide an email address (either personal or institutional), which will appear in the note about the author or the authors, on the first page of each article.