
ISSN 2410-5708 / e-ISSN 2313-7215

Year 12 | No. 35 | October 2023 - January 2024

Social security benefits for employees in Juigalpa automotive workshops

https://doi.org/ 10.5377/rtu.v12i35.16997

Submitted on 08 th May, 2023 / Accepted on 06 th September, 2023

Jenny del Socorro Villanueva

National Autonomous University of Nicaragua,

Managua, FAREM-Chontales, Nicaragua.



Concepción Mendoza Castro

National Autonomous University of Nicaragua,

Managua, FAREM-Chontales, Nicaragua.



Itzamaria de los Ángeles Bermúdez Mena

National Autonomous University of Nicaragua,

Managua, FAREM-Chontales, Nicaragua.


Mileydy Karolina Reyna Duarte

National Autonomous University of Nicaragua,

Managua, FAREM-Chontales, Nicaragua.


Natasha Elizabeth Sevilla Ingles

National Autonomous University of Nicaragua,

Managua, FAREM-Chontales, Nicaragua.


Section: Social Sciences, Business Education and Law

Scientific research article

Keywords: Automotive workshops, Social security, Insurance benefits.


Social Security schemes are benefits enjoyed in the future by people who contribute to years of work. This issue is still controversial because, for the most part, employees of MIPYMES believe that contributing to insurance is an unnecessary expense and that this money could be used for other uses. Therefore, the objective of this article is to identify factors that are affecting both employees and owners of automotive workshops in Juigalpa, Department of Chontales, and that leads them to minimize the importance of joining social security. The methodology used was the use of conceptual bases, definition of sample in automotive workshops, surveys, and analysis of results that demonstrate that there is knowledge of the types of social security benefits; however, they prefer to make use of public health services and are exposed to occupational accidents. These results lead us to suggest to other researchers, to deepen the analysis from other factors, such as the work environment, statistical demonstration of expenses, and compliance with the regulations of law in the country.

1. Introduction

A workshop is understood as a space, area, or establishment where manual or artisan services are provided, they include car repair shop, where repairs are made to ensure the proper functioning of cars, motorcycles, and other types of vehicles, or part of their components, mechanical, electrical, structural or auxiliary which are carried out by one or more collaborators called mechanics.

The objective of this article is of great relevance since it aims to study the benefits of social security in the automotive workshops of the city of Juigalpa, department of Chontales, in Nicaragua, which have the characteristics of MIPYMES because their operation usually occurs in small spaces or the owners' own home; to obtain greater knowledge about the benefits, advantages and disadvantages of employees being affiliated to Social Security and thus be able to improve the individual and family social and economic environment. The collaborators are usually few, include relatives, do not consider salaries based on what the labor code establishes and the payment of social security ends up not being a priority, which puts their health at risk.

Medina Conde (2012)Raises to study, the specific problems of security contributions, concerning MIPYMES in the economic and social reality, being the actors involved in the legal-tax relationship, the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS), the employer and the worker and their real affectations for the non-payment of social security contributions. Concluding the analysis It should be considered that social security contributions allow us to observe the problem from the perspective of affecting the worker, the employer, and the institute itself, which leads to other economic and social consequences such as unemployment, lack of social security, low purchasing power, among others.

According to the Nicaraguan Social Security Law, the Nicaraguan Social Security Institute is a government entity that ensures the right to health of service providers, both in government and private enterprises; to give all its employees the well-being of the collaborators through the different inscriptions to some form of affiliation to the different regimes. (2006)

Rivas, Santos, and Scaffini raise the need to design an Occupational Health and Safety Management System for MIPYMES in the automotive sector, which facilitates risk manageent and contributes to the reduction of accidents and occupational diseases, by the requirements established by the General Law on Risk Prevention in the workplace. And this concludes among other things, in the case of the MIPYMES that were evaluated, that their biggest obstacle to not complying with the formation of an occupational safety and health committee is the lack of personnel, which is not necessarily true, given that the belief is that an employee involved in a committee will not be able to fulfill his tasks of the working day. Also, the organizational part is the most deficient in companies that want to perform tasks aimed at occupational safety, this is reflected in that companies do not handle records referring to situations related to occupational safety and health. (2016)

Franco and Moreno considered establishing the causes of the high levels of accidents within the automotive workshop, which allowed them to determine why personal protective equipment does not exist, as well as analyze the different procedures and correctly use the proper use of tools within the workshop, identifying the training needs of personnel in Occupational Health and Safety, for the use of correct personal protective equipment. Concluding that the workshop lacks the occupational health and safety system, that there is no safety culture in the workshop workers because there has been no training on this subject, and that the work environment within the workshop does not provide security to the collaborators, since there is no order and lacks cleanliness. (2015)

Guanuche, & Kings (2020) raised as an objective, to contribute to automotive technicians, the dissemination of the importance of industrial safety and health in four artisanal workshops of automotive mechanics, in addition to training the managers of these workshops in the administrative area. The project was carried out in the parish of Llano Chico located northeast of the Metropolitan District of Quito. For the execution of the project, a training plan on personal protective equipment and implementation of industrial safety was carried out by students and teachers of the International University of Ecuador as a strategy to reduce the rate of occupational accidents. The results of the training through evaluations and verifications indicated that the selected establishments implemented the respective safety standards, thus reflecting a safe environment for both workers and clients in the community.

Chachalo Cuasque, M. G., raises, as m(2019)Inimize in the company the accidents caused by the different activities carried out by the workers, as well as minimize the costs incurred at the time the worker has an accident. Concluding that different aspects and topics related to occupational health and safety were determined, applicable to a mechanical maintenance workshop, such as national and international standards and regulations, in addition to the proposal of an occupational risk prevention manual.

2. Methods

The methodology used contemplated elements of a documentary nature because information was required from secondary sources. Field study, since it focused on doing the study where the phenomenon occurs in the workshops. According to its nature, it was a conclusive descriptive research, because no variables were manipulated. Quantitative, because the data collection was to test hypotheses. Its scope is temporary the transversal type because an aspect is studied at a certain time.

2.1. Materials

It was based on the theories developed by different authors, on the other hand, orderly steps were followed and techniques and instruments were applied to collect information and demonstrate which are the variables that are affecting the social security affiliation of automotive workshops.

2.2. Participants.

The sample design was designed from a finite population of 21 car repair shop divided into mechanics and lathes, all located in the city of Juigalpa. The information was collected by students of Business Administration, during the first semester, identifying academic level, knowledge of the types of social security services, whether the contribution to insurance is an expense or an investment, and with these criteria, the type of sampling was defined.

2.3. Tasks and Methods

The type of sampling applied was non-probabilistic for convenience, considering the application of the survey to 3 collaborators of each study unit, which guaranteed that each of them could provide information.

2.4. Instrument:

The instrument used in the research was the survey, A type of survey was developed aimed at the collaborators of the car repair shop of the city of Juigalpa, to collect the necessary data to carry out the research. How many questions about how the instrument is structured?

To carry out the pilot test, the survey was applied to three collaborators from three different car repair shop in Juigalpa, a population that shares the same characteristics as the people to be sampled, to evaluate if the instrument used was reliable, in the same way, the understanding of the questions was rectified and if the language used was correct.

Once the information was collected, the Alpha coefficient was applied using the Spss-21 software, obtaining a result:

Table 1

Reliability statistics

Cronbach’s alpha

Number of items



Source: Survey data, Spss-21 software

The alpha coefficient, or Cronbach's alpha, reflects a result of acceptable reliability, since it exceeds 0.9, as expressed by Malhotra "This coefficient varies between 0 and 1, and a value equal to or less than 0.6 usually indicates an unsatisfactory reliability of internal consistency" (p.285)(2008)

2.5. Data processing:

Before the final application of the survey, it was validated by people outside the car repair shop, to avoid possible biases in the results. With the SPSS software system, the analysis and interpretation of the results of the surveys that were carried out in the automotive workshops established in the City of Juigalpa, Chontales, was carried out; with this tool, Cronbach's Alpha was obtained to validate the questionnaire after validation and thus know the reliability of the variables under study. Since this tool has an excellent level of reliability and is focused on measuring aspects such as knowledge, use and attitude that teachers present towards the implementation of technology in the teaching-learning process of face-to-face classes, as expressed by González Alonso and Pazmiño Santacruz, a query in 163 Latin American repositories using a Google custom search engine for the term "Cronbach's alpha coefficient" indicates the appearance of this in 25 200 references which undoubtedly constitutes clear evidence of its wide use in the university environment, given that the repositories consulted belong mostly to universities in the region. (2015)

Word is the program through which each of the steps that were carried out for the collection, analysis, and interpretation of the information necessary to address the research topic was carried out verbatim.

3. Results

The results obtained allowed us to identify some causes why social security benefits are not considered in the car repair shop of Juigalpa. Here are the most relevant ones.

Figure 1

Employee education

Source: Own elaboration with survey data.

Schooling is not a factor that negatively affects the affiliation of employees and owners of automotive workshops to social security, since these benefits are made known in educational centers.

Figure 2

Meaning of Social Security

Source: Own elaboration with survey data.

The results show that more than 50% of employees know the meaning of social security, complementing the knowledge of the results of schooling.

Figure 3

Types of insurance you know

Source: Own elaboration with survey data.

That 78% who know the types of insurance, can be the main motivated, looking for the alternative of getting them to join this institutional benefit, which is of great importance to them, becoming aware of the benefits they will receive in exchange for their contribution and that they share the responsibility they have as collaborators and owners.

Figure 4

Expenditure or Investment

Source: Own elaboration with survey data.

Social security is considered an expense by the minority of respondents, mainly because it is necessary to pay regularly to the Social Security Institute and salaries are low, in addition to common illnesses they can visit public health centers to receive medical assistance.

Table 2

They agree with the percentage of labor contribution




I agree






Strongly disagree






Source: Own elaboration with results of research survey

Although most agree with the % stipulated as labor contribution, they are not affiliated with social security.

Table 3

Joining Social Security Affects Your Family Finances



















Source: Own elaboration with data from the research survey.

Most confirmed the hypothesis that they do not join social security, considering that it affects their family finances.

4. Discussion

It is meritorious to recognize that the topic developed in this article, the product of the research is broader and is not reflected only in variables such as academic level, which justifies ignorance of the benefits of social security, since it was determined that if they know the meaning, however, there is a total lack of concern on the part of the collaborators and owners of workshops, by knowing the types of insurance to which they can have access, according to their economic condition and how it would benefit them from the point of view of medical care costs, either by a work accident or natural illness, those who without the benefits of insurance is high in economic resources, time for recovery, until they lose the source of employment in the case of employees, as well as the reduction of income from the sale of services in the case of workshop owners. There are regulations with legal support that indicate this.

The contribution of Medina Conde 2012 to this article is because in the city under study, automotive workshops are mostly considered as MIPYMES, so the operating characteristics are similar to the city considered in this research, despite not being legally constituted as MIPIMES they function as such.

On the other hand, the contribution of the thesis on the design of the occupational risk prevention program for the automotive workshop, Pérez and children, is that it serves as a guide for others interested in this subject since it is demonstrated that in most Latin American countries the situation related to social security is similar; however, in the case of this article, they are not formally considered as MIPYMES, since until this year some are considering legalization to be subject to credit or at the insistence of officials of the Social Security Institute (INSS) in requiring the registration of employees to the system.

The investigations related to the car repair shop are varied about the search to get the owners and collaborators of the car repair shop to make use of social security, although the forms of application change in each country, the importance is the same, as in the case of the results of the training through evaluations and verifications, that indicated that the selected establishments implemented the respective safety standards, thus reflecting a safe environment for both workers and customers of the community under study, is another research variable expressed by Guanuche & Reyes.

5. Conclusions

Having analyzed the results of the research, from different related variables, it is concluded that:

The social benefits of the personnel who work in an organization, whether called MIPYMES or not, are of utmost importance especially for the proper structuring of the work environment, in addition to being closely linked to the economic remuneration received by the collaborators.

The non-acceptance of these benefits is not related to the academic level of employees and workshop owners, nor is their ignorance of social security benefits even though they are exposed to different types of risks due to accidents or illnesses related to their work.

Social benefits try to improve the life of the employee, that is, they facilitate certain things such as medical care, food, and hospitalization among others and that is related to remuneration and social benefits since it depends on it that there is a pleasant work environment in organizations.

It is ratified that the majority of MIPYMES in Nicaragua are structured by family members, leading to the fact that many times, decisions are made based on family criteria and not merely managerial, which limits their growth, tending to cease to exist, which in turn generates that many families fall into unemployment because their family microenterprises do not survive.

It is important to consider a related research topic that allows deepening the relationship of labor social security with the work environment and the legality of MIPYMES since there is transversality of this issue in the life of the human being.

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