Implementation of Ecoclubs in educational centers of Tegucigalpa, an experience of university extension




University extension, social bonding, educational communities, education system, natural sciences, Ecoclubs


The university extension and social bonding project (PREUVS) of the Natural Sciences Department at National Pedagogical University Francisco Morazán (UPNFM) “Implementation of Ecoclubs in Educational Centers of Tegucigalpa”, contributes to develop and strengthen in the selected educational communities (Institute Spain Jesús Milla Selva, Educational Research and Innovation Center, Honduras Technical Institute, Luis Bográn Technical Institute, Vicente Cáceres Central Institute, Río Abajo Technical Institute and its communities of influence) of the national educational system, awareness about the planet ́s problems through an educational scheme compatible with scientific and technological knowledge, scientific research, sustainable development and improvement of the society environmental conditions; This allows raising awareness strategies, through the natural sciences students and the educational communities, in the development of articulated and coherent activities for the adoption of responsible habits and sustainable actions in favor of the environment, in accordance with the conceptualization according to the extension direction. (DEX, 2018)In this sense, as results of the extension project, the Ecoclubs within the educational centers are conformed annually, as managing structures of the environmental awareness process, which in turn, are made up of students, teachers and administrative staff with greater connection with the field of natural sciences, some of the experiences obtained in their development are also described.

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How to Cite

Ortega Ramos, Y. Y. . (2020). Implementation of Ecoclubs in educational centers of Tegucigalpa, an experience of university extension. Revista Compromiso Social, (3), 15–22.


