Life in schools an introduction to critical pedagogy in the foundations of education by Peter Mclaren




Pedagogy, Schools, Training, Critical-Awareness, Attitudes, Values


The book “Life in Schools” by Peter McLaren is an introduction to critical pedagogy, which aims to analyze the educational system and question its effectiveness in the formation of critical citizens committed to social justice. McLaren argues that schools not only transmit knowledge, but also values and cultural norms, so it is important to analyze the political and social role of education. Critical pedagogy seeks to promote critical awareness and transformative action in students, encouraging their participation in the construction of a more just and equitable society. The author examines various issues related to education, such as the hierarchical structure of schools, the reproduction of social inequality, the influence of the media on the formation of values and attitudes, and the importance of education in the construction of cultural identities. McLaren also discusses the importance of critical pedagogy in training teachers committed to social justice and offers concrete pedagogical strategies to foster critical thinking and transformative action in the classroom. In summary, “Life in Schools” is an essential book to understand the importance of critical pedagogy in the formation of critical citizens committed to social justice. The author provides a deep and reflective analysis of the educational system and offers concrete pedagogical tools to promote critical awareness and transformative action in the classroom.


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Author Biography

Norling Sabel Solís-Narváez, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua-Managua - Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias Jurídicas

Máster en Antropología y Liderazgo Social. Profesor Investigador de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias Jurídicas.



How to Cite

Solís-Narváez, N. S. (2023). Life in schools an introduction to critical pedagogy in the foundations of education by Peter Mclaren. Revista Electrónica De Conocimientos, Saberes Y Prácticas, 6(1), 109–119.



Educational Book Review