Motivational and psycho-pedagogical elements in digital educational materials for self-learning in the virtual modality




self-learning, motivation, online education, digital educational materials, ARCS model


The study focuses on the motivational and psycho-pedagogical elements of digital educational materials for self-learning in virtual mode, the research was conducted in the Department of Educational Technology of UNAN-Managua (DTE UNAN-Managua), taking as a scenario undergraduate and graduate courses. In order to carry out the research, a theoretical framework was constructed where aspects such as: teaching and learning theories, teaching and learning strategies in virtual environments, self-regulation, motivation and virtual platforms, designs of digital educational resources, culminating with the ARCS model (Attention, Relevance, Confidence and Satisfaction) were addressed. The methodological design has a qualitative approach of phenomenological type, since it was necessary to analyze the opinion of the key informants, because of this, instruments were used as interviews to directors, open questionnaires to teachers and students and the direct observation of virtual courses, specifically in the digital educational materials. From the process of analysis and discussion of results, it was obtained that teachers are specialists in the different disciplines, but there is no distinction between the role of teacher and virtual tutor. With respect to digital educational materials, it was identified that the design does not include some motivational and psych pedagogical aspects, since teachers are not clear about these aspects. It was evidenced that there are some strengths that should be maintained in practice, and a proposal was made for actions for the weaknesses found, based on the ARCS model. The study ends with the presentation of new lines of research, which strengthen the work carried out.


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How to Cite

Stynze Gómez, H. O. (2019). Motivational and psycho-pedagogical elements in digital educational materials for self-learning in the virtual modality. Torreon Universitario Magazine, 8(22), 24–37.

