About the Journal

Focus and scope

The journal Humanismo y Cambio Social (HYCS), is a scientific journal edited by the Faculty of Humanities and Legal Sciences of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaraguaa - Managua, its publication is biannual or biannual, which means that two Numbers are published annually , the first corresponds to the period of January-June and the second, to the period of July-December. Aimed at academics, researchers, teachers and professionals of the Social Sciences. HYCS magazine aims to disseminate scientific research that allows a better knowledge of Social Sciences and Humanities, with special emphasis on studies referring to Nicaragua, Central America and Latin America, without exclusion from other regions of the world.

In this sense, it is open to the publication of results of empirical, methodological or theoretical research of national and international scope, in a wide range of subjects inscribed in the field of Social Sciences and Humanities, especially on History, Archeology, Anthropology, Geography, Philosophy, Communication, Psychology, Sociology, Social Work, Political Science, International Relations, Law, Economics and Philology, health, with emphasis on transdisciplinary research.

Peer Evaluation Process

The journal “Humanismo y Cambio Social” in order to ensure a minimum of quality standards, originality, feasibility, scientific rigor and adjustment, submits the articles that are published, to an evaluation process by specialists in each of the areas covered by the journal.

The review process of the submitted papers is carried out through the Editorial Committee made up of national and international academics who are in charge of the process of evaluation and approval of the articles for publication. Peer evaluation follows the 'double blind' review modality in order to guarantee anonymity for authors and reviewers during the process.

The review steps established are as follows:

  1. The articles received will be reviewed in the first instance by the Editorial Committee, who has the power to reject documents that clearly violate the editorial policy of the magazine.
  2. In case of acceptance, a minimum of two reviewers will be assigned to evaluate the article.
  3. Based on the evaluators' assessment report, the Editorial Committee will decide on the publication of the manuscript, the suggestion to the author of the improvements raised by the reviewers or their non-publication. Whatever the case, the authors will be informed as soon as possible, justifying the decision taken, particularly in the case of rejection (if necessary, accompanying suggestions for possible publication).
  4. The reviewers will be provided with an evaluation guide where they will make their opinions on the materials evaluated.
  5. The factors that will be taken into account for its evaluation will be: originality, topicality, novelty, relevance, significance, scientific validity and good writing and organization.

Publication frequency

The journal is published twice a year.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content, based on the principle that offering the public free access to research helps to further global knowledge exchange.