The entrepreneurial culture in the Nicaraguan university




culture, entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial culture, strategies for change, improvement of the entrepreneurial university


This research addresses the issue of entrepreneurial culture at the National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, Managua (UNAN-Managua). Some aspects taken into account were: the conception of culture, the definition of entrepreneurship, the identification of the resistance elements, as well as the motivation present in the academic context for the improvement and constitution of an entrepreneurial university. As part of the methodology used, different techniques and instruments were applied such as: Interviews with authorities and key actors that were linked to the promotion of entrepreneurship; Focus groups aimed at professors of various faculties who attended the axis of professional and research practices; Survey addressed to professors and students of all the Faculties and Institute of the UNAN-Managua.

After doing this work it can be said that, to develop the entrepreneurial culture it is necessary to implement a process based on collaboration, taking into account the conceptions, expectations and attitudes of the members of the organization. As part of the prioritized strategies some of them are: the systematization of experiences and good practices within the teaching departments of the Faculties and Institutes that serve as an example for others where entrepreneurial actions are insufficient or void. On the other hand, the coordination with external actors for academic and technological transfer that contributes to a change and improvement in university management, in such a way that it contributes to reflection and action on the present and future of the university with a view to becoming in an institution with greater multilateral action at the national level, which allows it to approach the business world and public administration through the offer of academic resources and services based on the social needs and demands that lead them towards university accreditation and internationalization.


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How to Cite

Dávila Flores, S. del C. (2019). The entrepreneurial culture in the Nicaraguan university. Torreon Universitario Magazine, 8(22), 48–66.

